Our Services & Rates
Branded & Promotional Videography
Rate based on type of project & lenght
Does your brand need promotional video? At Stone Productions, we take high quality, professional videos that tell the unique story of your brand. Depending on the type of video your business is looking for, our rates range is $500-2000.
Visit our Contact page to get a quote for your project!
Wedding Videography
We are here to capture magical moments on your special day!
Our two professional videographers will ensure the best coverage of your wedding ceremony. You will recieve a 8-12 min. professionally edited documentary video of your wedding day. Rates vary based on the lenght of the wedding, guest list, and location. Drone videography is included in this package.
Visit our Contact page to get your qoute.
Speaking Event Coverage
$400 per hour
Video and Sound coverage for this type of event costs $400 dollars per hour of the event. This includes professional editing. You will recieve high quality copy in less than 15 days after the event.
Drone Services for filming the outside of the venue are available for additional flat fee of $200.